Trusted/ Recommanded Sites

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Online Survey Sites

Two recommended survey sites are:

For US users only:

For US, Canada,UK,Australia

P.S US users allowed to join one of these only. Your account will be terminated if found doing same offers on multiple sites.

Before you get started, read this:
(Crowngpt users can read it too)
You have to create many new e-mails to do these site (unless you want spam)

Recommended Offers: (Just type these name on search)

Eversave/LiveHat/Spark Shark


Daily Survey
Video: (ignore the first min, this is the tutorial from other site, but the steps are the same)

Absolute Rewards/ZZZ quiz/ Atomic Rewards


NextDayRewards (you can only do 3 per day)

Winning Surveys /Consumer Expressions/ CLip N' Go

Also check out the "Latest credited offers" section and do them if you want!

Offer Description:

Complete the survey and registration on the first two pages. Participate in 1 or more sponsored offer(s) that you are interested in during the registration and click on 2 offers in the rewards section.

Complete the entire survey. Say “Yes” to at least one of the offers before the end and fill it out. When you reach the Silver, Gold, Platinum offers, click on at least two of the offers and view them. Just keep moving through the original screen/window until you get to this point.

Complete the quiz with valid information, Fill out the form with valid information and complete the quiz, etc.

Complete the entire quiz until you see your results.

Complete the quiz with valid information. Must fill out at least one offer.

Answer the quiz questions. Complete at least one offer before the end. Then continue until you see your quiz results.

Fill out the form with valid information.

There is a form that you need to fill out for this offer. Enter all the requested information.

Fill out the form with valid information and complete the survey.

Fill out the entire form. Complete the entire survey that follows.

Fill out the form with valid information and complete the survey. Fill out at least two offers.

Fill out the form. Then complete the entire survey. Say “Yes” to at least two of the offers before the end and fill them out. Some offers require you to fill out at least 1 offer before the end.

Fill out the form with valid information and complete the survey. Click one offer on the "Final Offers" page.

Fill out the entire form. Complete the entire survey that follows. Click on at least one of the Silver, Gold, Platinum offers at the end and view it. Some offers require you to view at least 2 of the Silver, Gold, Platinum offers.

Click the banner and complete the form with valid information.

Click a banner on the first page of the offer and fill out the form that appears. The banner is usually at the top and/or on the right hand side of the first page.

Complete the survey, Participate in the survey.

These basically mean the same thing. When you reach the Silver, Gold, Platinum offers, a thank you page, a message like congratulations, you have been entered or do you want to take another survey, etc., you can stop at that point. If you see Silver, Gold, Platinum offers, click and view at least 2 of them.

Just keep moving through the original screen/window until you get to this point.

Complete the survey and confirm your email.

Same instructions as above. Additionally, click the confirmation link in the e-mail you receive.

Complete the free registration, Complete the entire registration process, Register for free.

Register for the site, etc. Complete the entire sign up process and confirm an e-mail if prompted.

Register for free and confirm your email.

After registering, you are sent an e-mail. Within the e-mail, you'll find a confirmation link that you need to click on.

Register and complete the survey. Fill out at least one offer.

Register for the site, etc. Fill out and complete at least one offer before the end. Continue until you have finished the entire survey.

Download the toolbar, program, etc.

Click on the "download" link/button and install the toolbar, download the software, game, etc.

Complete the game and get your results.

Play the entire game until your results are displayed.

Trial Offers.

Provide all of the requested information for the trial offer.

Q: How exactly does this work?

Good question. We work with several different companies and advertising networks to find offers for you to complete. When we find a company who wants to have our users try their product or service, we list it on our site. When a user completes their offer through our site, they report the completion to us and we credit your account.

People often ask why some offers take hours or days to confirm for them, and the simple answer is that we rely on our advertisers to provide us with statistics about users who have completed their offers. Some offers credit almost instantly, but others take longer because the advertiser may give us updates only periodically. Once we receive this information from our advertisers, user accounts are updated automatically.

Q: What does it mean when an offer is Pending?

We provide the “Pending” feature only as a way for you to track the offers that you’ve done. Just because an offer is Pending does not mean it will be credited, and even if you forget to submit an offer to us, you’ll still receive credit for the offer when the company reports to us.

You may have noticed that it’s possible to submit offers to us (and give them Pending status) even if you haven’t completed them. Remember that you will only be credited for the offer when the advertiser notifies us that you have completed the offer.

Q: How long do offers stay Pending?

An offer stays pending until we receive credit for it or until two weeks have passed. If two weeks have passed without crediting, it will be removed from your Pending list and put back into your Available Offers list so you can complete it. If that same offer is eventually credited to us, we’ll credit your account regardless of whether it’s Pending or not.

Q: I did an offer and I still haven’t received credit. Why?

If you an offer hasn’t credited for you, it’s because we haven’t received credit. If, for any reason, we don’t receive credit from the advertiser, we cannot credit your account. Remember that in most cases offers confirm within a couple of hours, but sometimes they can take days or weeks. We know it’s hard to wait, but try to be patient!

Offer Description:

Complete the survey and registration on the first two pages. Participate in 1 or more sponsored offer(s) that you are interested in during the registration and click on 2 offers in the rewards section.

Complete the entire survey. Say “Yes” to at least one of the offers before the end and fill it out. When you reach the Silver, Gold, Platinum offers, click on at least two of the offers and view them. Just keep moving through the original screen/window until you get to this point.

Complete the quiz with valid information, Fill out the form with valid information and complete the quiz, etc.

Complete the entire quiz until you see your results.

Complete the quiz with valid information. Must fill out at least one offer.

Answer the quiz questions. Complete at least one offer before the end. Then continue until you see your quiz results.

Fill out the form with valid information.

There is a form that you need to fill out for this offer. Enter all the requested information.

Fill out the form with valid information and complete the survey.

Fill out the entire form. Complete the entire survey that follows.

Fill out the form with valid information and complete the survey. Fill out at least two offers.

Fill out the form. Then complete the entire survey. Say “Yes” to at least two of the offers before the end and fill them out. Some offers require you to fill out at least 1 offer before the end.

Fill out the form with valid information and complete the survey. Click one offer on the "Final Offers" page.

Fill out the entire form. Complete the entire survey that follows. Click on at least one of the Silver, Gold, Platinum offers at the end and view it. Some offers require you to view at least 2 of the Silver, Gold, Platinum offers.

Click the banner and complete the form with valid information.

Click a banner on the first page of the offer and fill out the form that appears. The banner is usually at the top and/or on the right hand side of the first page.

Complete the survey, Participate in the survey.

These basically mean the same thing. When you reach the Silver, Gold, Platinum offers, a thank you page, a message like congratulations, you have been entered or do you want to take another survey, etc., you can stop at that point. If you see Silver, Gold, Platinum offers, click and view at least 2 of them.

Just keep moving through the original screen/window until you get to this point.

Complete the survey and confirm your email.

Same instructions as above. Additionally, click the confirmation link in the e-mail you receive.

Complete the free registration, Complete the entire registration process, Register for free.

Register for the site, etc. Complete the entire sign up process and confirm an e-mail if prompted.

Register for free and confirm your email.

After registering, you are sent an e-mail. Within the e-mail, you'll find a confirmation link that you need to click on.

Register and complete the survey. Fill out at least one offer.

Register for the site, etc. Fill out and complete at least one offer before the end. Continue until you have finished the entire survey.

Download the toolbar, program, etc.

Click on the "download" link/button and install the toolbar, download the software, game, etc.

Complete the game and get your results.

Play the entire game until your results are displayed.

Trial Offers.

Provide all of the requested information for the trial offer.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Paidtopia Review

Paidtopia is a new yet legit GPT sites where you could earn a huge amount of money in a month. Throughout the site, they provides various offers that paid you as a reward for doing so. If you are hardworking that would like to sit in front of the computer just doing offers, then paidtopia definitely the right GPT to join.

How it works?
Different types of offers have different requirement to follow and accomplish, and if you don't, you won't be able to receive credit, so make sure you read the requirement by pointing your mouse right on the offer to view the requirement. They have offers such as quizzes, surveys, and even paid to click advertisement. You will be credited your reward (money or points depends on what they offer you) within 24hrs. Be sure to click "done" button when you finish an offer, otherwise you won't be able to get credited as well!

What is the minimum payout? How do i receive payment?
Like most other GPT, its minimum payout is $5, it is not hard to reach the bar as long as you do few offers everyday and follow instructions. Paidtopia provides 2 different way to get your payment - Paypal or Check. I'm pretty sure that those familiar with and working on GPT/PTC must have a paypal account. But if you don't, just sign up one, it is simple and easy!

Although they are new and i joined not long ago, I already received total of $11.09! So far, it is a pretty awesome site, and i'm anticipating more offers will be added. The advantage of this site is that they paid you more than other sites, such as some quizzes you will be able to get up to a dollar! Not bad hah?!! I have to mention that for those who are clicking ads on different ptc sites, just quit and join paidtopia, they have ads they paid you way more than what you are doing!!!! Last month they have many advertisements, so it is not difficult to reach the min. payout. So many ads are holding back now due to fraud or w.e. I know they are working so hard trying to get those ads back, so be patient! Also, they have many quizzes and surveys that paid you more than the other sites. I guess it is still a good choice to join this site and do their quizzes and surveys. I am hoping their ads will be back so that you guys would earn money much easier.

If you are interested joining paidtopia, simply click the link below! Enjoy your earning=)